The A3TS Annual General Meeting will take place on Wednesday April 2, 2025 at 8:30 am at La Rotonde, located on the INSA LYON campus, 14-16 avenue des Arts 69100 Villeurbanne.
It will be held on the morning of the second day of conferences at the "Treatments et Revêtements de pièces issues de fabrication additive" days organized by A3TS and France Titane, which will take place at the same venue on April 1 and 2, 2025.
The Annual General Meeting is a unique opportunity to discover the scope of A3TS activities and to discuss your ideas and expectations for the future of the association with the members of the Board of Directors.
8am: Welcome and registration of participants and credentials
8:30am: General Meeting
10am: End - resumption of "Treatments and Coatings of Parts from Additive Manufacturing" conferences.
For practical reasons, please register here:
Salle La Rotonde
14-16 avenue des Arts
69100 Villeurbanne