Who we are




thermal treatment


surface treatment) a

was founded in 1969

Its objective is to disseminate and promote advanced technological knowledge in the fields of materials processing, namely heat treatment and surface treatment.

A3TS has about 800 members, which are companies, French and international industrial organizations, engineers, researchers, experts and academics who are involved in its daily activities.

A network of connected professionals

The very active and friendly network of the A3TS is one of the major characteristics of the association. We are committed to promoting exchanges between its members in a warm and welcoming environment.

Members are listed in a directory that is updated annually.

A3TS events

The A3TS organizes several events each year: a Congress and an annual exhibition bringing together professionals in the field of heat treatment and surface treatment as well as those in the vacuum industry, and thematic conferences on current scientific and technical topics (General States of Chrome VI-free technologies, Thermal Protection Techniques, Additive Manufacturing ...).

 For more information: Events

A website and a member's area

A3TS members have access, via their member area, to a unique database containing video recordings of Congress conferences, A3TS Science and Technique publications, process sheets updated by our specialists, as well as the A3TS Contact information magazine.

A training center

A3TS is also a Qualiopi-certified training center. As such, the training courses it provides in the fields of heat treatment and surface treatment are eligible for funding under the continuing training scheme.

This certification also attests to the excellence of the training process provided by A3TS.

 For more information: Training


A3TS is a member of IFHTSE


  1. For the industrial performance of your parts, components and systems. Heat and Surface Treatments provide materials with the properties required for their intended use. 

    Clients, designers, manufacturers, users, operators - you're looking for high-performance technological solutions. A3TS is a unique space for you.

  2. Get in touch and interact with experts in the field of materials - metallic and non-metallic - and manufacturers operating in a wide variety of sectors (Automotive, Aerospace, Energy, Mechanical Industries, Medical Equipment, Defense, Metallurgy, etc.).

    For the implementation of heat treatment and surface treatment technologies to improve the specific properties of components: strengthening mechanical properties, increasing hardness, improving resistance to wear and corrosion, reducing friction, functionalizing surfaces, etc.