Painting in all its states! March 16, 2023 - Molsheim

On March 16, the East Alsace section of the A3TS organized a technical day on the theme of painting. The 55 participants attended a morning of rich and varied conferences and then discovered the facilities of the IRT M2P in Duppigheim in the afternoon. Among the participants, there were 19 students of the BTS Traitements des matériaux from the Lycée Jean Mermoz in Saint-Louis.

The introductory conference was given by Franck Floriani (Ineosurf). After recounting the innovations of the last decades, he presented with great enthusiasm the current innovations such as the use of Nanotech, self-healing paints, ... Paint will no longer be only aesthetic and protective, it will be functionalized and even connected!

The 2nd conference dealt with the homologation and qualification of paint systems. Maxence FOMBONNE (Nexter) illustrated this topic in the case of vehicles and parts for land armament.

Laëtitia BENOIST (CETIM) drew up the current and future impacts of the various regulations for the paint sector.

Sophie COSTIL (UCB laboratory) showed the interest of preparing some materials before painting by laser texturing.

The last two conferences of the morning concerned the application of a paint coating for turbine and compressor shafts of aircraft engines. The first presentation on this topic was made jointly by Léa Gani (Safran Aircraft Engines) and Fanny Deloy (IRT M2P) on the implementation of a new automated sandblasting and painting platform. Geoffrey Bruno (Enovasense) then presented the Enovasense technology for measuring the thickness of coatings by laser, which is a technological breakthrough and allows automation of the measurement stage.


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