Localized treatments, an advantageous solution for surface treatment and heat treatment?
Thursday, March 21, 2024, Liège (Belgium)
Information and registration
COST CONTRIBUTION, including meals :
- A3TS member: 80 euros incl. VAT (member rate applies if payment is made at least 15 days before the event)
- A3TS non-member: 120 euros incl. VAT
- Students and pensioners: 40 euros incl. VAT
Multiple registrations: please consult us for a discount.
Payment to A3TS France-Nord/Belgique
By bank transfer :
IBAN FR76 3000 3011 1600 0372 6006 088
Your registration will take effect upon receipt of your payment.
Contact and registration
For Belgium
Jean François Vanhumbeeck
Tel: + 32 4 25 46 244
For France
Francine Roudet
Tel.: 06 52 11 40 00
General information
CRM Group
Campus du Sart Tilman
Quartier POLYTECH 4
Av. du Bois Saint-Jean 21 Liège