a3ts Congress 2019 - lille

Opening of the Congress by Jean-Marc POIRSON, President of A3TS

From the laboratory to industrialization: examples of innovation in seamless tubes.
Jean Leyer (Director of the Aulnoye-Aymeries Research Center, Vallourec)

State of the art and industrial applications of additive manufacturing
Benoît Verquin (Additive Manufacturing Expert - Cetim)

Light-surface interaction: self-organization of nano-structured surfaces by femtosecond laser irradiation.
Jean-Philippe Colombier (University professor, director of the FST physics department - Laboratoire Hubert Curien, Université Jean Monnet)

Carbonitriding: from controlled enrichment in production to the development of new processes
Alexandre Fleurentin (Metallo Corner)

A smart lance for ethanol/nitrogen, an innovation for high process performance and intelligence.
Maximus Akuh (Air Products)

Combination of induction hardening + low temperature liquid nitriding on engine valve stems.
Vincent Monteux (HEF group)

TriboNite® - An advanced thermal processing coating (TP&C) technology for enhancing tribological properties.
Johan Blomkvist (Applied Nano Surfaces Sweden AB)

The RUTILE project, at the heart of the circular economy.
Mathieu Nicolas (Satys)

Surface preparation before painting of metallic substrates: towards new solutions?
Caminde Rezai 1,2, Sophie Costil 1, Cécile Langlade 1, Carole Levrau-Hehn 3.
(1 UTBM) (2 IRT M2P) (3 Saint-Gobain R&D)

Controlling surface cleanliness with supercritical CO2: an eco-innovative process at your service
Stephane Bredeau (DFD)

Aqueous parts cleaning in precision engineering - Case example: medical device market.
Maximilian Kessler (SurTec)

Control of surface preparation.
Joel Coquelle (Cetim)

MCM: MMP-Coating MMP (MMP Technology applied to the preparation of the substrate surfaces before PVD deposition and PVD micro-roughness recovery)
Frédéric Bajard (BINC Industries)

The first dry electropolishing technology for high-precision metal components.

Optimization of mechanical finishing processes of surfaces from additive manufacturing.
Joël Rech, Ferdinando Salvatore, F. Cabanettes (Enise)

Repair of parts for the industrial and aeronautical sectors by Cold Spray reconstruction.
Sébastien BEAUVAIS, Emilie AUBIGNAT (Ouest Coating)

Surface functionalization by femtosecond laser and hybrid process for additive fabrication.
Guillaume Bidron (Manutech USD)

How and why should surface treatment effluents be treated? Presentation of the new edition of the "Water Treatment" guide.
Anne-Sophie Maze (UITS), Arnaud Lepoivre (Consultant - Water Treatment)

Completion of parts from additive manufacturing: status of the After ALM project.
Joffrey Tardelli (IRT M2P)

Industrial zero liquid discharge: case study.
Sylvain Hermon (Veolia)

Life cycle assessment for the evaluation of the environmental relevance of innovative surface treatment processes.
Gael Fick (IRT M2P)

Carbon based coating, alternatives to hard chromium plating.
Romain Montelimard (HEF Group)

Deposition of innovative metal alloys for the protection of metals: exploration of plasma (PVD) and electrolytic routes
Corinne Nouvellon, Grégory Guilbert (Materia Nova)

Innovative coupling of a polymeric adhesion primer and a Cr-free anticorrosive anodized layer.
Aurélien Doublet (Protec)

Study of pure Ti/Fe and Cr/Fe diffusion couples.
Dominique Cotton (Arts et Metiers ParisTech)

Development of "tailor-made" combination layers to optimize the tribological response to fretting wear type stresses.

Characterization of different thermochemical treatments in the framework of the IRT M2P project "Advanced Thermal Treatments" (TTA).
Marc Courteaux (PSA), André Galtier (Ascométal)

AdEPT: a study of advanced electropolishing techniques for the injection molding industry.
Jean-François Vanhumbeeck (CRM Group)

A duplex coating based on zinc alloy electroplating for dry lubrication of premium OCTG connections: anticorrosion performance.
Alexandre François-Heude, Cécile Millet, Philippe Baska (Vallourec)

PVD ta-C deposition: control of the surface finish for mass production automotive applications.
Astrid Gies (Oerlikon Balzers)

Maintenance and repair for material and surface.
Dr Martin Welp (Dörken MKS)

On innovative materials and coatings in the guiding element industry.
Pierre Dupont (ASM International - Failure Analysis Society - FAS)

Round table debate introduced and animated by Thierry Gautreau (Cetim - Industry of the future and transformation of companies)

"How to prepare your business for digital transformation - the keys to success"

With the participation and testimonies of :
Frederico Gheno (NOF Metal Coatings Europe)
Florent Camous (Weelab Factory)
Christophe Olivier (Prodeo)
Cédric Dejean (Lisi Aerospace)

Bainitic grade 16MnCrV7-7 with improved properties for cost effective processes.
Olivier Lebrun (GMH)

What are the metallurgical advantages and limitations of semi-hot forging compared to cold forging and hot forging?
Christian Parisot (Walor Innovation Development)

Heat treatments in the forging heat applied in the Setforge group.
Claude Bingler (Setforge)

Deformation control of large rolled parts (rings) during heat treatment.
Clara Ghiurca (HI-Tech engineering)

Microstructure and mechanical properties of cylindrical elements obtained by flow forming process.
Jaroslaw Mizera, Piotr Maj (Warsaw Polytechnic)

It all starts with an idea. Maybe you want to start a business. Maybe you want to add a new dimension to a hobby. Or maybe you have a creative project you want to share with the world. Whatever your case, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Don't worry about looking professional. Just be yourself. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but it's your story that will make the difference. If you can't hear your own voice in your head when you read back the words, it's a sign that you have a long way to go.

Be clear, be confident and don't overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it will continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal is for it to be a reflection of the moment. The rest will write itself. It always does.

Joseph Membré

Passionate about beautiful brands and branding, I fell in love with webdesign in 2012. Since then, I've been helping my clients create their brand, and their online presence. A fervent supporter of Squarespace and Shopify - I help spread the word about these platforms that have clearly changed the game in the world of webdesign. Always on the lookout, I'm constantly learning about the latest web tools and trends to stay on top of things.


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a3ts Congress 2018 - bordeaux