41 bis avenue de l'Observatoire, BP 1615, 25010 Besançon Cedex - France


The UTINAM Institute - Universe, Time-Frequency, Interfaces, Nanostructures, Atmosphere and Environment, Molecules - is a multi-disciplinary research unit under the joint supervision of the CNRS and the Université de Franche-Comté, with premises at various sites on the La Bouloie campus in Besançon, UFR Sciences et Techniques, Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers THETA (Terre Homme Environnement Temps Astrophysique) and IUT de Chimie.

Founded in 2007 following the merger of three laboratories specializing in Astrophysics, Molecular Physics and Chemistry of Materials and Interfaces, the UTINAM Institute is attached to the CNRS's Institut National des Sciences de l'Univers (INSU) and, secondarily, to the Instituts de Chimie (INC), de Physique (INP) and d'Ecologie et Environnement (INEE).

Institut UTINAM employs around 130 people, including 57 permanent researchers and lecturers, 25 research support staff (permanent technicians and engineers) and some 40 non-permanent staff (PhD students, post-docs, ATERs, contract engineers). They study the structure and dynamics of molecular systems interacting with complex environments on a wide range of spatio-temporal scales.

Institut UTINAM is organized into five research teams:

  • MSF: Functionalized Materials and Surfaces;

  • NCM: Nanoparticles, Contaminants and Membranes ;

  • PhAs: Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics ;

  • SPACE: Spectroscopy, Planetology, Atmospheres, Clathrates and Environment;

  • SRS: Sonochemistry and Surface Reactivity;

These teams are supported by three high-quality technical departments:

  • a centralized IT department offering services adapted to each discipline in terms of CPU, storage, data sharing and transfer in a secure environment, and opening up in-house training courses for all staff, giving priority to the use of open-source software;

  • a technical platform grouping together all the major chemistry equipment, for optimum pooling of resources in support of chemistry research activities. The platform is also home to a technology transfer center open to requests from the business world;

  • a time-frequency service, which participates in the development of national and international time and frequency scales, and ensures the dissemination of these references in academic and industrial circles through its calibration services.

An administrative and financial department, a health and safety unit, a training unit and a communications unit complete the shared services organization chart.

Renewed on January 1, 2017 as a CNRS / Université de Franche-Comté joint research unit (UMR 6213), Institut UTINAM aims to gain recognition for its excellence in all its fields of activity.

It has a strong presence in the future investment program (PIA) in Franche-Comté, with participation in 1 LABEX (FIRST-TF), 3 EQUIPEX (IMAPPI, REFIMEV+, OSC-IMP) and 1 IRT (M2P).

Its research activities are fully integrated into the priority research areas of the PIA I-SITE obtained in 2016 by the "Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté" community of universities and establishments (COMUE UBFC).




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