a3ts 2024 photo competition results

Aeronautical materials processing


A3TS is organizing a photo competition, open to all pupils and students in heat treatment and surface treatment training courses, under the supervision, for 2023-24, of Frédéric Meunier (A3TS - Industrial Oerlikon), Fabrice Turpin (A3TS - Industrial Engineering Sciences) and Séverine Roger (A3TS).


The theme of the contest is defined each year. The proposed photographs must illustrate the imposed theme.

This year's theme is: "Aeronautical materials processing".


The competition is open to high school pupils and students of full age and minors in heat treatment and surface treatment courses (permission to enter to be provided by the legal guardian if the minor is not under the supervision of a teacher).

Each individual or group participant presents one and only one photograph.

This photograph must not be retouched (except for the change from color to black and white) or edited using photo software.

Participants declare and guarantee that they are the authors of the photos submitted and, consequently, that they are the exclusive holders of all literary and artistic property rights, in particular the right to the name, the right of reproduction and the right of public representation of the said photos. As such, they agree that these photos may be exhibited and/or published on any A3TS communication medium. The name(s) of the author(s) will appear each time the photographs are distributed.

They also declare and guarantee that they have obtainedprior written authorization from any persons who may be identifiable in the photos presented, or from the owners of the goods represented. The organizer cannot be held responsible for the use of these photos.

Participation in the contest implies full acceptance of these rules, with no possibility of complaint regarding the results.


The competition is open until May 24, 2024.

All entries from the same school must be submitted by a single "referent" teacher for this competition.

For each participant wishing to compete, it is expected:

¤ the following completed form: https://forms.gle/h5t6nzwevEL8BSSP6

¤ Your work sent by email in pdf format, formatted as follows (+refer to the attached document template):

Only one document may be attached to this e-mail (to s.roger@a3ts.org)(must be in pdf format).

This pdf file will include on a single page in A3 format :

  • The photo: its definition will be established to allow quality printing in A3 format (as a rough guide, an image resolution of 250 dpi is a good choice). This A3 format will be the one exhibited at the A3TS congress forum in Toulouse.

  • A scale(the absence of a scale is eliminatory)

  • The title you have chosen for your work

  • The author(s ) (first name(s) + last name(s))

  • The name of the school and the course followed

  • In a box provided for this purpose (maximum size 10 cm * 20 cm), a text (minimum font size 12) describing :

o the observation made from a technical and/or scientific point ofview
o the nature of any materials and associated treatments

o any preparation(s) made for this observation
o the method of observation (optical microscope, binocular, other, etc.)
o any other points deemed necessary.

The generic model of the expected work is presented in the appendix.

¤ Send by post:

Send a printout in A3 format (used for jury deliberations) of the deliverable defined in the paragraph above. Of course, if several entries are received from the same class, please send only one by post.

Mailing address :

Photo competition
71 rue Lafayette
75009 PARIS


A jury of material processing professionals is formed each year to select the photographs. Under the presidency of a member of the A3TS, the jury will evaluate the photographs presented by the candidates.

Photographs will be judged on the following aspects:

- Relevance of the subject,
- Originality,
- Artistic interest,
- Technicality in relation to the heat treatment and surface treatment professions,
- Interest in terms of communication in the industrial or academic sectors of heat treatment and/or surface treatment.

The organizer reserves the right to invalidate or cancel all or part of an entry if it appears that fraud or malfunctions of any kind have occurred during participation in the contest. It also reserves the right to exclude images that may infringe public order, public decency or the rights of a third party.

The decision of the jury is final and will not be justified under any circumstances.


A prize will be awarded to the authors of the photograph selected in the following categories:

  • Winner of the "1er Prix" competition

  • Aesthetics award

  • Technical award

  • Prize for originality and innovation

  • Communication Awards

The winner's home school will receive a cheque or material prize from A3TS, in partnership with Lam Plan (sponsor of the competition), in the region of 1,000 to 2,000 Euros. Winners of the other prizes will also receive a bonus. In the case of an individual first prize, the reward will be an invitation to the A3TS Congress "all expenses paid", i.e. train travel, hotel and Congress registration. The winner will receive a warm welcome from the A3TS team.

The prizes will be awarded in public at the A3TS Congress, in the presence of members of the Jury.

The winners will have their pictures published on the website and in the A3TS magazine.


In accordance with the provisions of article 34 of the French Data Protection Act 78-17, participants are hereby informed that the personal information collected by A3TS is necessary for their participation in this competition and will be processed electronically.

To find out more about how your personal data is managed and to exercise your rights, please refer to the privacy policy here: https: //www.a3ts.org/politique-de-confidentialite


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A3TS Contacts n°87 JUNE 2024


Call for nominations to the 2024 Board of Directors