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Wet surface treatments: properties and applications
The day will be postponed to a later date to be announced as soon as possible.

Processing and finishing : Additive manufacturing parts
The program is online, so register now!

Annual General Meeting 2025
The A3TS General Meeting will take place on April 2, 2025 at 8:30 am, on the morning of the second day of Additive Manufacturing Days conferences. Register now!

MATTRIS by A3TS: A3TS Congress & International Conference - Dijon 2025
The call for conferences is now open!
Submit your conference proposal by 26/01/2025 and choose to communicate at the A3TS Congress or at the International Conference.

MATTRIS by A3TS: Heat treatment and surface treatment exhibition - Dijon 2025
Book your stand and take part in Europe's biggest industry event!

Heat Treatment - Generalities, Principles and Applications: practical, economic and environmental aspects
Discover the program and register now!

Hydrogen: technological challenges in metallic materials
Register online now!
The call for conferences is open until July 26, 2024

2024 heat and surface treatment show
Book your visitor's badge and come and meet 80 contractors, suppliers, research laboratories and materials processing technical centers!

ECHT 2024 & 50th A3TS Congress
100 scientific and industrial conferences! Registration is now open, so reserve your place online!

General Meeting 2024
The A3TS Annual General Meeting will be held on March 22, 2024 at 9am. We look forward to seeing you there!

Localized treatments, an advantageous solution for surface treatment and heat treatment?
Discover the program and register now!

8th general meeting on chromium VI-free technologies
Register online!
Focus on innovations and regulatory changes.

Thermal spraying days
The South-West section of the A3TS is organizing the 8th edition of the Thermal Projection Days, a unique opportunity for researchers and industrialists involved in the development and applications of these technologies to take stock of recent scientific and technological innovations.
This edition will bring together academic presentations and industrial testimonials.
Time will be reserved for exchanges between participants, speakers and exhibitors in a friendly environment.

Powder & Sintered Materials Conference
This symposium covers all the topics from powder to solid parts to parts in service, both on experimental and technological aspects as well as on modeling aspects.
Registration is now open!

J2TS Days - Tribology and Surface Treatment
Surface treatments play an essential role in the functionalization of mechanical components, particularly in the context of friction control and wear problems.
The J2TS event will present the main advances of the Tribology Commission through conferences, a plenary session and a round table discussion and will offer feedback from the various members covering a wide spectrum of the industry.

How to ensure successful heat treatment?
Day of conferences organized by the Grand Ouest section.
Discover the program and register now!

Moulds & Tools: POSTPONED TO 2024
The "Moulds and Tools" days, organized every four years since 2007, jointly by A3TS, the Cercle d'Etudes des Métaux and IMT Mines Albi, aim to review the state of the art of new metallurgical solutions, heat and surface treatments, and tool design, in order to provide specifiers and users with criteria for choosing optimal solutions from a technical and economic standpoint

Fatigue and wear resistance
Conference day organized by the France-North/Belgium section.
Apart from corrosion phenomena, fatigue and wear of mechanical parts are the most common types of damage encountered in service. Consequently, understanding the phenomena responsible and increasing resistance to fatigue and wear are objectives to be achieved by engineers and scientists in the field. Fatigue and wear of materials develop at or from the surface, which is why treatments capable of reinforcing the surface zone of materials are most often sought. The aim of this day is to examine the most up-to-date solutions in the light of theories and practical experience on fatigue and tribology of materials.

Heat and surface treatment exhibition
July 5 and 6, 2023 - Mulhouse
Industrialists from the Aeronautics, Automotive, Transport, Energy, Mechanical and Defense industries, etc., come and meet suppliers specializing in products and services for THERMAL TREATMENTS and SURFACE TREATMENTS.

The 49th Congress of Heat Treatments and Surface Treatments
July 5, 6 and 7, 2023 - Mulhouse
At a time of electrification of mobility and the digital factory

Properties obtained by heat treatment and/or surface treatment of aluminum alloys
Conference day organized by the France-North/Belgium section.
The choice of an aluminum alloy for the realization of mechanical components also implies the choice of the most suitable heat or surface treatment. Indeed, a heat treatment can greatly improve the performance of components subjected to different operating conditions such as temperature and/or environment.....

ECHT 2023
See you soon at ECHT 2023
ECHT 2023 will cover all relevant topics for the Heat Treatment & Surface Engineering community. The Conference will have a special focus on SUSTAINABILITY!

Carbon neutrality and energy cost reduction in heat treatment
The program is online, register now!

General Assembly 2023 of A3TS
The General Assembly of the A3TS will take place on March 31, 2023. Register, we are waiting for you !

Painting in all its states!
Conference day organized by the East-Alsace section!
This day of conferences and exchanges will seek to offer a global vision of the possibilities of paint treatments for a good performance of complete systems, with conferences that will focus on processes as well as on controls and characterizations to meet the ever more stringent requirements of customers.

Days Treatment and finishing of parts from additive manufacturing
The program is online and registration is open!

Topics will include:
Damage to metallic materials caused by hydrogen
Hydrogen and surface treatment: problems and solutions
How to work under pressurized hydrogen?
Producing, transporting and using hydrogen, what questions should be asked?

SVTM : the reference trade fair for THERMAL TREATMENTS and SURFACE TREATMENTS
Industrialists from the Aeronautics, Automotive, Transport, Energy, Mechanical Industries, Defense,... come and meet suppliers specialized in products and services for THERMAL TREATMENTS and SURFACE TREATMENTS.
SVTM will also welcome suppliers of products and services for VACUUM TECHNOLOGY

The 48th Congress of Heat Treatments and Surface Treatments
Last delay for conference submissions: MARCH 25, 2022

Quenching and quenching media: principles and applications
Conference day organized by the France-North/Belgium section

webinar - Surface treatments for aeronautics
More information will be available soon

How to succeed in surface treatment? Design, machining, heat treatment, protection
Day of conferences organized by the Western section

7th general states of the technologies without chrome vi
The program is online and registration is open!
Attention: change of venue, the event will take place at the Maison de la Mécanique in Courbevoie (92).
The number of participants is limited to 150, register now!